At the July Board Meeting, the Board voted to initiate a program of repairs to damaged head stones and monuments. Repairs will begin in the oldest section in the northeast corner of the cemetery. The following monuments/headstones will be repaired or reset: Martha A. Blake, Susan VanHouten Davis Gwin, Leda Gwin, Anzo Gulledge, Robert Bowman Jenkins, Dr. Andrew Johnson, John S. Rule, William E. Sheehy, John Hamilton Stigler and Emily and Edward Wilson.
If you are related to one of these families and would like to make a specific donation for the repair of your family monument, or you would simply like to make a donation to the endowment fund, please send a check made payable to LOFC, Post Office Box 1213, Lexington, MS 39095 or visit our website.
Here are photographs of the specific monuments along with the associated cost for repair.
Copyright © 2025 Lexington Odd Fellows Cemetery, Inc.