December 1, 1927
Extensive improvements now under way will, when completed, result in the development of the historic, old Odd Fellows cemetery in this city into one of the most beautiful burial spots in the state. Located in the rolling, grass-covered hills just outside the city limits, with trees that have developed to full maturity, and with stones marking the final resting places of Holmes County dead for almost a hundred years, the setting of nature is perfect.
Under the schedule of improvements instituted by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, and supervised by City Clerk C.A. Glover, a large addition is being made on the west front, providing abundant space for 125 additional lots. The entire front is being beautified and modernized, and the front of the Jewish cemetery, which is adjoining, is cemetery, which is adjoining, is being beautified in uniformity, so that the two may appear as one. An entrance gate of pressed brick pillars equipped with a 12-foot steel gate will be placed at the entrance of each, and the entire front equipped with a 5-foot chain length fence. Driveways are being prepared, the front is being graded and superfluous trees removed, and the remaining three sides will be equipped with a hog tight fence.
Later plans now in contemplation, include a gravel highway entering one gate, going through the cemetery and leaving at the other gate. Further improvements will mean the graveling of the highway that leads from the city to the cemetery.
The Odd Fellows Cemetery, which was started many years ago by the members of that order, was deeded to the City of Lexington about forty years ago. Its age is unknown, but within it are many stones marking deaths prior to 1840.
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