
Bettie E. Wright Holloman

Date of birth: 26 Dec 1883
Date of death: 07 Jan 1907

Burial Information

Section 03 (Click Here for Section Map)
Cemetery: Odd Fellows Cemetery
Plot: 095A-03
Status: Occupied


The Dead.

Mrs. B. Wright Holloman, of Itta Bena, beloved wife of Dr. Frank Holloman, was buried in the old home cemetery on Tuesday. Her death carried the full mead of sorrow in that she was so young, so pure, so beautiful, and her life so rich with the promise of happiness, while Love spanned her skies with prismatic colors that seemed to brighten the coming years with unfading hues. And to day she has been laid to her Eternal Sleep in the midst of all her tender hopes. The bereavement touches closely a large circle of friends and loved ones--the husband, the motherless babes, the mother, the sisters, the brother, and those too so close who were not within touch of the vanished hands. Even Nature was there to do her honor, and bring fair memories to the last hours of her earthly stay. The gray skies hanged to sapphire filtered with the sunshine's gold, the South wind's breath was as sweet as violets, and out of the sombre vista Spring came back adorn her primrose path and brought a burden sweet of hyacinths, lilies and roses and covered her from head to feet. And, so they left her asleep beneath the followers, to awake and follow, in heavenly guise, the pathway to the eternal Spring of Paradise.

Marker Inscription
Wife of Dr. F. M. Holloman Married Mar 28 1904

Family Relations of Bettie E. Wright Holloman

Tom Walton Wright
Sarah Wilson Wright

Josephine Wright Bickers
Bettie E. Wright Holloman

Dr Frank Marvin Holloman

Frances Josephine Holloman Davis

Research Notes
First name and middle initial provided by "Mississippi Marriages, 1800-1911."

Biographical Information


(To the Memory of Mrs. Frank Holloman, who
departed this life on the 6th of January, 1907.)

Call not back the dear departed,
Anchored safe where storms are o'er.
On the border land we left her,
Noon to meet and part no more.
When we leave this vale of changes,
When we leave this world of care,
We shall find our missing loved one
In or Father's mansion fair.

Earth has lost its look of gladness,
Heaven seems to us more bright
Since the spirit of our loved one
Took its happy homeward flight.
And we long to cross that river,
Long to rest upon that shore:
There to see and know and love her,
With the Savor ever more.

'Tis hard to break the tender chord
When love has bound the heart;
'Tis hard, so hard,to speak the words,
"We must forever part."
Dearest loved one, we lay thee
In the peaceful grave's embrace
But thy memory wll be cherished
'Till we see thy Heavenly face.

All is dark within our dwelling,
Lonely are our hears today,
For the one we loved so dearly
Has forever passed away.
The golden gates were open wide,
A gently voice said, "Come."
And angels from the others side
Welcomed our love one home.

Itta Bena, Miss. A FRIEND

More information, family relationships, and images may be found by CLICKING HERE (external link)

Walking directions

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