
Cora Betty White McMorrough

Date of birth: 23 Jun 1878
Date of death: 06 Dec 1961

Burial Information

Section 05 (Click Here for Section Map)
Cemetery: Odd Fellows Cemetery
Status: Occupied



Cora McMorrough

Funeral Services for Mrs. McMorrough Held In Lexington

Funeral services for one of Holmes County's most distinguished citizens, Mrs. Cora White McMorrough, were held last Friday at the Lexington Methodist Church with the Rev. Crawford Ray, the Rev. Paul Bragg, and the Rev. Fred Fowler officiating. Burial was in Odd Fellows Cemetery in Lexington with Southern Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. McMorrough, a resident of Holmes County for more than fifty years prior to her death, passed away at the Baptist Hospital in Jackson following an extended illness.

She had hundreds of friends throughout the county who respected her for her dignity and interest in the community.

Active in community affairs, Mrs. McMrrough was a member of the Lexington Garden Club, the Methodist Church, Eastern Star and D.A.R.

A native of Rankin County, she aslo lived in Biloxi before moving to Lexington.

Survivors include her husband G.H. McMorrough, Sr.; a daughter, Mrs. Stanley Allen of Goodman; and a son, G.H. McMorrough, Jr. of Tunica.

Pallbearers were Pat Barrett, Edwin White, Parham H. Williams, Jr., Ben Murphy, Walter Durham, Jr., Allie Povall, Frank B. Branch and L.R. Thompson

Holmes County Herald (Lexington, MS)
December 14, 1961, vol. 3, no. 47, pg. 1



It isn't easy to make friends in a year's time. It is even more difficult to do so if the relationship is confined to telephone conversations. Yet, during the past year we considered Mrs. Cora White McMorrough, who passed away last week, a real friend.

Mrs. McMorrough called on frequent occasions to tell us about happenings in our community. During the course of the conversations she would tell us about the past years in Holmes County. She would tell us of the accomplishments of the people and the area.

Her eloquent manners and dedication to goodness endeared her to all of those in the community with whom she was acquainted. A faithful member of the Methodist Church, she also belonged to the Daughters of the American Revolution, Eastern Star, and the Lexington Garden Club. Mrs. McMorrough was immense proud of Holmes County. Holmes County has ample reason to be just as proud of her and the inspirational life which she led.

Holmes County Herald (Lexington, MS)
December 14, 1961, vol. 3, no. 47, pg. 2


Wife of G.H. McMorrough

Family Members

Judge Walter A. White

Hattie Enochs White

Infant Son White

Lula Enochs White Sadler

Laura "Dot" White

Nell White Watson

Half Siblings
Walter Enochs White

Johnnie Theodore White

Gabe Herman McMorrough

Cora Will McMorrough

More information, family relationships, and images may be found by CLICKING HERE (external link)

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