
Fannie McDavitt Stansbury

Date of birth: 1877
Date of death: 1947

Burial Information

Section 11 (Click Here for Section Map)
Cemetery: Odd Fellows Cemetery
Plot: 0275-08
Status: Occupied


Services Held For Mrs. Eugene Stansbury Funeral services for Mrs. Fanny McDavitt Stansbury widow of the late Eugene Stansbury, who died at the Baptist Hospital in Jackson Sunday, were held Monday at the graveside in the Lexington cemetery. The Rev. William Asgar, Episcopal minister, officiated. Burial was in the Lexington cemetery with Baldwin of Jackson and Southern Funeral Home of Lexington in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Stansbury, who was 69, was a resident of Long Beach and was visiting her daughter at Jackson at the time of her death.

She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Robin Harris of Jackson; and Mrs. Robert Fulton of New Orleans. She is also survived by three sisters-in-law, Miss Lelia Stansbury, Mrs. John Baker and Mrs. A. E. Swinney, all of Lexington, and several grandchildren.

Spouse: William Eugene Stansbury Children: William Frisby Stansbury

More information, family relationships, and images may be found by CLICKING HERE (external link)

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