
Lamar L. Barefoot

Date of birth: 15 Sep 1923
Date of death: 12 Jul 1949

Burial Information

Section 09 (Click Here for Section Map)
Cemetery: Odd Fellows Cemetery
Plot: 0369-01
Status: Occupied


Auto-Truck Meet
In Accident Tuesday
Night, At Cruger

Three persons were killed and six were injured as the result of an automobile-truck collision at Cruger around 7:15 p.m., Tuesday, on Highway 49-E, during a blinding rainstorm. According to reliable sources, the car was knocked 60 feet by the impact while the heavily loaded freight Delta Motor Lines truck only left the highway, and did not over turn. The driver, C. L. Griffith of Jackson, was said to have received minor injuries.

The dead were: Lewis Lamar Barefoot, 25, employee of Greenwood Water and Light plant; his wife, Mrs. Flora Ellington Barefoot, 25, Greenwood; Patricia Coffey, 4, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert W. Coffey, Yazoo City.

Injured Listed

Injured, all occupants of the car with one exception, were; Gilbert W. Coffey, 31, Yazoo City; Mrs. Gertrude Coffey, 24, Yazoo City; Gilda Fale Coffey, 2, Yazoo City, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Coffey; Sonny Barefoot, 4, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Barefoot, Greenwood; Bobby Barefoot, 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Barefoot, Greenwood, all said to be critically injured.

Also Tom Cozzins. colored, of Cruger, who received a fractured leg.

Rushed To Hospital

The eight occupants of the car were rushed to Greenwood Leflore hospital, where three died shortly after arrival. The sixth injured person, negro Tom Cozzins, was brushed by the freight truck when it left the highway as he walked along the side of the highway, according to the report.

The accident occurred as the truck, travelling south, and the car north, collided. Mrs. Barefoot was thought to be at the wheel. The party was enroute from Yazoo City to Greenwood, where the Coffeys had lived until moving to the former city last December.

State Highway patrolmen investigating the accident were Jack Poss and George Parkinson of Greenwood.

Source: The Lexington Advertiser, vol. 112 no. 13, July 14, 1949, pp. 1,


Triple Funeral Held
Here For Barefoots'
Triple funeral services were 1
held in Lexington last Thursday !
afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. Lewis I
Lamar Barefoot and their 4-year- |
old son, Lewis, Jr., of Greenwood, !
who died as the result of injuries
received in an automobile acci
dent on highway 49-E Tuesday
night, July 12. The Rev. C. J.
Olander, Greenwood, former
Tchula pastor, officiated.
The Barefoot family were three
of four persons claimed by death
in this auto-truck collision which
injured four others. The fourtjt
death was that of Patricia Coffey.
4, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gil
bert W. Coffey, of Yazoo City.
Mr. and Mrs. Barefoot and Pa
tricia died almost immediately
after being admitted to the hos
pital in Greenwood and Lewis
Barefoot died shortly afterward.
The Rarefnnt fa milv thrpp ,
was buried in a common grave1
here with Southern Funeral home
in charge of arrangements.
Other persons injured in this
accident, all reported to be mak
ing fair progress toward recovery,
were: Gilbert W. Coffey, 31, Ya
joo City; Mrs. Gertrude Coffey,
24, and their daughter, Gilda Faye
Coffey, all of Yazoo City; and
Bobby Barefoot, 3, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Barefoot.
Tom Cozzins. colored, Cruger,
received a fractured leg while
walking along the highway at the
time of the accident.
C. L. Griffith, driver of a Delta
Motor Line truck, which figured
in the accident, was only slightly
injured, according to reports.
(The accideng occurred about
7:15 in a blinding rainstorm when ,
the truck, travelling south, and ! \
the Barefoot car, enroute north, ,
collided. The party of eight was ,
mroute from Yazoo City to Green. J
wood where the Coffeys had lived .
until moving to Yazoo City in I
December. j

More information, family relationships, and images may be found by CLICKING HERE (external link)

Walking directions

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