Date of birth: 02 Jul 1920
Date of death: 05 Jul 1943
Lexington Boy Loses Life In
South Pacific Combat July 5th
Pfc. James Stewart
Injured On Birthday;
Dies Two Days Later
Pfc. James B. Stewart, son of Mrs. Catherine V. Stewart, became Lexington’s first known casualty in World War Two when he died on July 5th of wounds received in action on July 2, somewhere in the Pacific.
The first news of his injury and death was received by his mother late last Thursday, exactly two months from the day he was injured.
He was 23 years old on July 2nd, the day of his injury. He had been in the service nearly three years having gone in with Battery B of the National Guard in November, 1940. Prior to enlisting in the National Guard he was employed by the Western Auto Associate Store in Lexington following his graduation from Lexington High School in 1939.
Young Stewart was well known in Lexington and a wide host of friends extend sympathy to the bereaved family.
Stewart was with the local boys at Camp Blanding and in Texas until they were transferred to Camp Shelby. At that time he was transferred to an infantry outfit in California and sailed overseas on the U. S. S. President Coolidge.
He was the son of the late Benjamin Clyde Stewart who died eleven years ago last Thursday, the day the message was received of the death of James.
Survivors are the mother and one sister, Miss Edrie Stewart, two brothers, Henry and Harry, all of Lexington. One niece and nephew, Henry Stewart, Jr., and Nora Dean Stewart, and their mother, Mrs. Henry (Lenora) Stewart, also survive.
The Lexington Advertiser (Lexington, MS)
Sept 9, 1943, vol. 106, no. 20, pg. 1
Benjamin Clyde Stewart
Catherine Virginia Zeigler Stewart
Henry Clyde Stewart Sr.
Virginia Stewart Cash
Edrie Stewart Logan
Harry Bordan Stewart
PFC 172 Inf 43 Inf Div
World War II
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