
Fred Shepard Swinney


Date of birth: 08 Sep 1923
Date of death: 18 Oct 1944

Burial Information

Section 09 (Click Here for Section Map)
Cemetery: Odd Fellows Cemetery
Plot: 0168-14
Status: Occupied

Veteran Information

Branch: US NAVY RESERVE - Mississippi
Rank: ARM2 - Aviation Radioman Petty Officer 2nd Class
War/Campaign: WORLD WAR II
Killed in Action: Yes
KIA Date: 18 Oct 1944
KIA Location: Pacific - Phillipine Islands
KIA Campaign: World War II - Pacific Theater
Military Notes: Fred Shepard Swinney was a Navy Radioman and died when the Hellcat fighter in which he was flying was shot down. His remains were not recovered and his death was classified as "Lost at Sea."

According to Dr. Banks Shepherd, and an article in the "Lexington Advertiser," dated 11/30/1944, Fred S. Swinney was shot down by enemy fire in the Pacific. He was part of a two-man crew of the Navy "Hellcat" fighter plane, as a radioman and gunner. He was attached to an aircraft carrier. Prior to WWII, he was a student at Ole Miss and volunteered for service when the war started. When I (Dr. Shepherd) was 10 years old, I remember going to visit Dora, mother of Fred, with my mother when the War Department sent Dora and Sharkey (father of Fred) notice of Fred being MIA. Although his remains were never recovered, there is a marker at LOFC.

Lost at Sea

SWINNEY, Fred S, ARM2, 6446246, USNR, from Mississippi, USS Enterprise (CV-6), location Philippine Islands, missing, date of loss October 18, 1944 (pm) + SWINNEY, Fred S, Aviation Radioman Second Class, 6446246, USN, from Mississippi, Oct-45, Manila American Cemetery (bm) + SWINNEY, Fred Shepard, Aviation Radioman 2c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sharkey Fredric Swinney, Lexington, Miss (na)


Swinney Shot Down
Over Enemy Base

Mr. and Mrs. Sharkey Fredrie Swinney, of Lexington, received a letter from the War Department this week stating that their son, Fred Shepard Swinney, Aviation radioman second class. USNR, previously reported missing, was shot down on October 18th by anti-aircraft fire over an enemy-held base In the Pacific.

The Swinneys on November 5th received a telegram from the War Department stating their son was missing in action. The letter received this week is the first word they have had since.

The last letter they had from their son was dated October 14th, four days before he was shot down.

Young Swinney, 21, is known to have been a member of a 2-man crow flying the famous “Hellcats". He was radio-man and gunner. His parents knew he had been attached to an aircraft carrier, He has been in the service 27 months and overseas since April. He was a freshman at Ole Miss when he volunteered for the navy.

Lexington Advertiser
Lexington, MS
Thu, Nov 30, 1944

Family Members of Fred Shepard Swinney

Sharkey F. Swinney
Dora Dora Shepard Swinney Swinney

More information, family relationships, and images may be found by CLICKING HERE (external link)

Walking directions

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